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Mount Toro

Mount Toro View

The water supply at Mount Toro currently services 13 households. Located in a remote and beautiful area, the well water used is laden with iron and manganese.

A special stainless steel contact column was designed to ozonate the water before it gets filtered. Ozone is mixed with oxygen to increase efficiency and potency in the contact column and thus precipitate out the unwanted elements in the water.

The water is then ready for filtration. The filters used in this case are large. Water is produced at 30 gallons per minute, a necessary requirement for the community. Clean water is stored in a 20,000 gallon tank.

Mount Toro Sign

Included in the CWS installation are monitors that alert the community if problems develop, especially if the water in the clean tank gets low. In this case CWS can be notified in advance before any serious problems develop.

Heavy Duty Filtration Tanks

  • Clean Water Systems & Stores, Inc., Water Treatment Equipment,Service & Supplies, Santa Cruz, CA

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